define('WP_CACHE', true); Trey – Crossed Paths – Logs The Story Thus Far... Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:40:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chapter 21: Tunnel Encounter Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:00:52 +0000

Continue reading]]> Chapter 21: Tunnel Encounter

In Which The Two Meet A Less Then Friendly Mouse.


Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan walks beside Jozra as they move through the tunnels. “That was a rather relaxing visit doncha think?”

Yazeth: The ferret nods. “Trey and his mice were very hospitable.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Yeah.”

Yazeth: The two continue on in companionable silence, and darkness, for a bit.

Arrin Woodgreen: He takes the lead for a bit as it gets darker, navigating her down the halls.

Yazeth: Eventually the two reach a split in the tunnels that Jozra doesn’t remember. “Which way did we come before?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He frowns. “I don’t know, do you see a light at the end of one? Maybe there’s a guard out already.”

Yazeth: The ferret squints down first one tunnel then the other. “I think there’s a light down this one. It’s hard to tell if it’s really there or if my eyes are just playing tricks on me though.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He shrugs. “Why don’t we check?”

Yazeth: Jozra nods. “This way then.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods and heads down the path. “Okay, tell me if the light starts to get brighter.”

Yazeth: “Alright. Oop…” She reaches out with both paws and grabs the wall with one and Soquan’s shoulder with the other as she trips over an unevenness in the tunnel floor. “Sorry.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He smiles at her through the gloom. “It’s okay.  Are you hurt?”

Yazeth: Jozra shakes her head. “I’m fine, just lost my balance there.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He smiles and lets go of her. “Alright then.”

Yazeth: A few moments later, as the two continue walking, the ferret peers ahead intently. “It’s definitely a light up there.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “We’re going the right way then.”

Yazeth: Soon now, the silhouette of the guard can be seen and Jozra nudges Soquan before hailing the guard. “This the way to the surface?”

Arrin Woodgreen: The guard glowers at them. “Why?  Do you want to get away with the things you probably stole, vermin?”

Yazeth: The ferret blinks in surprise. Seems the mouse wants to be trouble and Jozra wasn’t exactly top of her class in diplomacy. Still, she could try. “We’ve just finished paying a friendly visit to Soquan’s old friend, Trey. We’ve stolen nothing.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He gives a harsh laugh. “You vermin are all the same.” Soquan sets forward, ready to defend his friend. “Hey, take it easy mate, everybeast is different, Jozra’s not like that.”

Yazeth: Jozra tries again as the mouse sneers. “You can ask Trey yourself. He and the otter have been friends a long time and Trey welcomed me as a friend as well.”

Arrin Woodgreen: The mouse’s sneer remains. “Trey is an old, blind fool.” He looks suddenly at Soquan. “You! You’re no better than the vermin standing right behind you.  I know what you’re hiding, half-breed.” Soquan growls.

Yazeth: The ferret blinks in surprise then mentally berates herself for not putting it together sooner. Of course. The slips that Arrin and the shop keepers had made. But this mouse… The nerve! Jozra scowls. “Look, we just wish to pass by. Please stand aside.”

Arrin Woodgreen: The mouse sneers and bows mockingly. “As you wish.” Soquan’s scowl remains as he goes to pass the mouse.

Yazeth: Jozra subtly guides Soquan around the mouse and his possessions as she walks past as well, keeping her eyes on the unpleasant beast at all times.

Arrin Woodgreen: The mouse glares back at her and walks down the tunnel from which they came with his torch, leaving the two in the dark.

Yazeth: The ferret shakes her head. “Now there’s the one part of this little adventure that I really wish didn’t happen. Hope I never have the misfortune to meet him again.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He speaks through gritted teeth. “Same here.”

Yazeth: Jozra glances sideways at the otter. “You okay?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He frowns, looking forward. “I’m fine. Just peachy.”

Yazeth: The ferret grins sardonically. “Oh what a lovely day we both are having, eh?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs slightly. “Yeah.” He continues down the tunnel. “We should reach daylight soon.”

Yazeth: The ferret nods, suspecting that the otter will know that she has despite his blindness. Eventually the tunnel begins to lighten. “Looks like we’re getting close to the entrance.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “Great!”

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Chapter 20: Leaving the SSMC Fri, 24 Jan 2014 14:00:27 +0000

Continue reading]]> Chapter 20: Leaving The SSMC

In Which It’s Time To Go.


Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan finishes making the bed after a few moments and picks up his pack.  He steps outside to meet Jozra. “Okay, how about we go grab those clothes we left to dry before we go to breakfast?”

Yazeth: The ferret is pulled out of her reverie. “Clothes? Oh! Good idea. I’d nearly forgotten about them.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs. “Oh come on, we’re both wearing robes, how can you forget?” He grins at her as they head down the hallway.

Yazeth: Jozra smiles weakly and mutters some lame excuse. “Well, they are rather comfortable robes.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs and shoves her playfully.

Yazeth: She glances at the otter, mildly startled. Knowing he’ll expect some sort of response to keep from thinking something’s wrong, she shoves him back lightly.

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins some more and he pushes open the door of the bathhouse as they arrive.

Yazeth: A few mice washing up in the bathhouse look over at the two mustelids mildly curiously but don’t seem to be very put out by their presence. Someone, perhaps last night or this morning, had unearthed a clothes line and had hung the pair’s clothing to dry. The ferret points this out to the otter. “Now why didn’t we think of that?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs and shrugs. “I have no clue.”

Yazeth: The ferret pulls down each of the articles of clothing and hands Soquan those that belong to him.

Arrin Woodgreen: He thanks the ferret and proceeds to put away his clothes in his pack.

Yazeth: Jozra folds her extra set and stuffs those in her pack. She almost absentmindedly starts to do the same with the set she planned on wearing before catching herself. She dresses quickly, simply out of habit.

Arrin Woodgreen: He dresses in his other set of clothes also and folds up the now discarded robe and places it in the laundry hamper.

Yazeth: She hefts her pack and quickly checks the area, making sure nothing’s been left behind. “Ready for breakfast then?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Yep! I wonder what they’re serving.” He heads back down the hall, thanking the two mice as they leave.

Yazeth: The ferret sticks her thumbs under the straps of her pack and follows Soquan as his nose leads him to the mess hall. Now that she’s awake, the previous night’s ‘excitement’ disturbs her.

Arrin Woodgreen: They reach the busy hall moments later and he turns towards her. “Want me to find us a table again?”

Yazeth: Jozra looks around the hall before nodding. “Yeah. I’ll get us some food.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Want me to take your pack with me?”

Yazeth: The ferret pauses in her tracks and spins pack around to face the otter. “Good idea.” She shoulders out of her pack and hands the straps to Soquan.

Arrin Woodgreen: He takes them and grins. “See you in a bit.” He turns away and sets off to find a table.

Yazeth: Jozra makes her way to the line, still absorbed in her own thoughts. Once again as she reaches the first of the long tables she grabs a pair of plates and utensils. This time, none of the other mice seem to mind. Soon the plates are holding a short stack of pancakes slathered with maple syrup. The young mouse at the end giggles again as she balances napkin’s on Jozra’s arm and puts a handful of fresh blackberries on each plate.

Arrin Woodgreen: He has a bit more trouble finding a seat for the two of them this time, but after a few minutes, he finds a table in the back for them.

Yazeth: The ferret pauses for a minute, trying to find where the otter is sitting. After a moment she makes her way over to the table and sets one of the plates down in front of him, the other in front of her place. “The pancakes look delicious.”

Arrin Woodgreen: His nostrils flare slightly. “They smell good too.”

Yazeth: Jozra digs in while the pancakes are still hot but she doesn’t really taste them as her mind is still far up north.

Arrin Woodgreen: He nudges her leg underneath the table. “Well? How are they?”

Yazeth: “Hrm?” She chews and swallows before answering. “They are delicious. The blackberries go good with them too.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Okay.” He digs into the meal.

Yazeth: The ferret resumes eating as well. Soon her plate is clean except for the residual stickiness of the syrup and a dark blotch of berry juice.

Arrin Woodgreen: Having finished just a bit before the ferret, he’s sitting back, his ears rotating slightly as he listens to brief sections of various conversations.

Yazeth: Jozra watches Soquan for a moment before shaking herself and grinning at him. “Hear anything interesting?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He shakes his head. “Not really.”

Yazeth: The ferret smiles. “Suppose I should clear out plates, eh?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Want help?”

Yazeth: “Sure.” She picks up her own plate and utensils before leading Soquan to the place to deposit the dishes.

Arrin Woodgreen: He grabs his own and follows.

Yazeth: The two put their dishes in the stack and utensils in the buckets. Jozra turns to the otter. “Back to Trey’s office now?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Yeah.” He hands her her pack before hefting his own. “Here.”

Yazeth: She takes it and shoulders into a strap. Jozra takes the lead as they leave the mess hall, helping to navigate around groupings of lingering mice conversing before starting their new work day. The hall is just slightly less crowded as mice head to various destinations, some carrying mining equipment.

Arrin Woodgreen: He follows, walking beside her. “So did you sleep alright after you came in?”

Yazeth: Jozra stiffens slightly before nodding. “Yeah. Thanks.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He smiles in her direction. “Anytime.”

Yazeth: The ferret relaxes and grins slowly at his response. “I think we’re nearly here. Looks like Trey’s busy. There’s several mice waiting outside his office.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “We’ll wait then.”

Yazeth: Apparently most of the mice were there on the same business as after one of their companions came out of Trey’s office and spoke to them, they nodded and filed off down the corridor. A moment later, Trey hurries out of his office to call something after the group.

Arrin Woodgreen: He remains beside Jozra, leaning against the wall slightly as he waits for their turn.

Yazeth: As Trey turns around he catches sight of the two mustelids. “Ah, there you two are! Come in, come in!”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods and heads for the office, sitting in one of the chairs. “So how are you today Trey?”

Yazeth: Trey and Jozra sit in their own chairs at about the same time. He looks over at Soquan. “Pretty good, though somewhat busier than usual. One of my prospectors thinks she’s found a vein of silver!”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “That’s wonderful, if she has. That’s almost doubling our profits.”

Yazeth: The mouse nods happily, pleased with himself. “So I suppose you two will want to be heading out now?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Yeah, Arrin’s probably having kits, we were supposed to be back practically three days ago.”

Yazeth: Trey chuckles. “Well give my regards to Arrin.” He pushes the 5-1 pieces across the desk. “And here’s your gold. I hope we don’t have to wait another many seasons before we see you again, Soquan.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “I’ll try to visit again soon.” He retrieves the bag from the desk and passes it towards Jozra. “Enough of a ‘treasure’ for ya?”

Yazeth: The ferret grins at the otter. “Plenty!”

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs. “Good.”

Yazeth: Jozra stands and extends her paw towards Trey. “I suppose we’ll be off then.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Aye, thank you very much for your welcome.”

Yazeth: Trey nods and follows the two to the door. “You’re both welcome back anytime! Next time you come, though, ask for me first.” He chuckles.

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs. “I will, but keep in mind, I didn’t find out it was you guys up this close until the guards came. Your front guard only said it was private property and I wasn’t allowed to pass.”

Yazeth: The mouse grins. “Point taken. From now on, my front guards will be instructed to say that its property belonging to the SteamSpring Mining Company.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods and rises from his seat, readying to go. “Good, much better.”

Yazeth: After a round of handshakes, Jozra and Soquan depart Trey’s company and head away from the mining complex.

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Chapter 19: Wakeup Call Wed, 22 Jan 2014 14:00:24 +0000

Continue reading]]> Chapter 19: Wakeup Call

In Which Jozra Is Not In Her Room.


Yazeth: The difference between sleeping in her own room and sleeping in Soquan’s is evident as Jozra sleeps soundly and dreamlessly. As day approaches, Trey sends a wakeup call for his friends.

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan sleeps just as soundly, his arm wrapped protectively around her sometime during the night.

Yazeth: The mouse reaches the ferret’s room first and gives a knock before opening the door. “Wake up c… what?” The ferret is nowhere to be seen and poor Ren doesn’t know what to do.

Arrin Woodgreen: He continues to sleep, unaware of the growing commotion outside.

Yazeth: Ren alerts several other mice in the corridor and one of them runs back to tell Trey the ferret is missing. It the meantime the sounds slowly wake Jozra up.

Arrin Woodgreen: He merfs at the sounds but remains asleep.

Yazeth: Jozra doesn’t think much of the commotion, figuring it’s just busy mice starting their day. At least, she doesn’t think much of it until she hears her name. Immediately she’s alert and listening intently to what’s going on outside.

Arrin Woodgreen: He curls a bit closer to her yawning softly.

Yazeth: The ferret hazards a glance at the otter.  It wouldn’t do to be seen in his bed.  She grabs Soquan’s pack and as she slips out from under the covers, she gradually adds the weight to the bed, trying not to wake the otter again.

Arrin Woodgreen: He mumbles something and merely rolls over.

Yazeth: The ferret lands softly on the floor and creeps to the door.  She places an ear against it, listening to the comings and goings of the mining mice. After a moment, the corridor sounds quieter. Jozra risks a peek around the door. Though temporarily blinded by the sudden light, she perceives that the hall is currently empty and she quickly slips next door and into her room, closing both doors softly behind her. Just in time too, for as soon as the door shut, Trey, Ren and several other mice turned a corner and entered the tunnel.

Arrin Woodgreen: He snuffs, slightly scratching behind his ear.

Yazeth: Trey pounds on Soquan’s door. “Soquan!”

Arrin Woodgreen: He wakes with a start. “Wha?”

Yazeth: Trey pries the door open. “Soquan, we can’t find your companion, my friend. Ren went to give her a wakeup call and she wasn’t in her room.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grunts. “But she’s right he-” He breaks off as the paw that had been reaching for her finds nothing.

Yazeth: Ren jumps as the door next door flings open. Jozra pokes her head out. “What’s going on?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He blinks. “But-she was…” He groans tiredly, rubbing at his tired eyes.

Yazeth: Ren stares at the ferret. “But…” He pauses a moment to collect his thoughts. “I came to gave you a wakeup call and you weren’t here.”  Jozra blinks at the mouse. “Sorry about that. I went looking for the washroom. I just got back. Probably just missed you.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He yawns and crawls out of bed, heading for the doorway.

Yazeth: Ren and Trey look at each other. After a moment Ren speaks up. “I should have checked there first before alerting you, Trey. Sorry for causing such commotion.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He listens intently, his ears flicking this way and that.

Yazeth: Trey nods. “Alright. Well, at least that’s all explained.” He turns to address the otter and ferret. “Breakfast will be served in about fifteen minutes. Bruno has fixed up some provisions for you two to take with you.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Alright.”

Yazeth: Trey and the other mice turn to go. Ren risks a backwards glance at the pair before leaving as well.

Arrin Woodgreen: He steps in front of Jozra, lowering his voice. “You didn’t tell them you were in my room last night.”

Yazeth: The ferret shakes her head. “Ah, I wasn’t sure how they would react if they knew that we shared a bed.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Alright, I understand.”

Yazeth: “Well.” The ferret looks around her room. She had had time to make the bed and gather her things together before defusing the situation. “Ready to go down to breakfast?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “Almost, I just need to tidy my room.”

Yazeth: The ferret nods. “I’ll wait.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He steps back into his room and makes his bed, taking out his pack as he does so.

Yazeth: The ferret hefts her own pack and makes a last minute check of her small room.

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Chapter 17: SSMC Lodgings Fri, 17 Jan 2014 14:00:26 +0000

Continue reading]]> Chapter 17: SSMC Lodgings

In Which There Are Beds.


Yazeth: Parts of the tunnels look familiar while other parts do not. The ferret mentally kicks herself for not being alert enough to create a mental map. Granted, she was tired, hungry and cold at the time and they are in friendly territory, but her tracking teachers would have been quite disappointed all the same.

Arrin Woodgreen: He turns down another hallway. “I think we’re almost there…”

Yazeth: Jozra nods. “Yeah. This looks quite a bit like where we were just after we left his office.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Sure enough, a few moments later, they come to a door with Trey’s name on it.

Yazeth: “Here it is!” The door is only slightly ajar, so the ferret knocks lightly before pushing the door open a little further.

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan follows.

Yazeth: Trey is sitting at his desk, hunched over a parchment, furiously scribbling figures with a quill. He doesn’t look up as he murmurs, “Come in. Come in.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan’s ears swivel a bit. “If you’re busy, we can come back later…”

Yazeth: The ferret hangs back slightly as Soquan approaches the desk. Trey scribbles some more and speaks slowly. “Nooope… Almooost done here…   There. Just as I thought.” He underlines something and scratches a quick note before pushing aside the parchment to dry, setting down his quill, folding his hands on top of his desk, and looking up at the pair.

Arrin Woodgreen: He sits down in one of the seats. “Were you able to get the gold?”

Yazeth: Trey nods. “They’re bringing it up as we speak. Have you eaten?” Jozra nods as well as she takes the other seat. “Quite delicious.” The mouse smiles.

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Aye, it was wonderful after what we’ve been eating for a while.”

Yazeth: Trey grins again. “Glad you enjoyed it! Maybe I can convince my cooks to rustle up some grub for you two to take along with you when you decide to leave.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “That would be nice.” He turns to Jozra. “What do you think?”

Yazeth: The ferret can’t help but grin. “I think we would be foolish to decline your offer, Trey.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs, leaning back in his chair. “Aye, so true.”

Yazeth: Trey appraises the two mustelids for a moment. “They should be here with your gold soon, Soquan. In the meantime, is there anything else I can do for you? I must insist that you two stay the night as it is so late already.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods, grinning toothily. “A place to sleep for the night would be nice. What do you say Jozra?”

Yazeth: The ferret agrees with the otter. “Aye, a fresh start in the morning would be better than trying to find someplace to camp in the dark.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods again and perks up suddenly as he hears some beast approaching.

Yazeth: Trey smiles. “Ah, that must be them.” There is a knock on the door. “Come in!”

Arrin Woodgreen: He turns his head towards the door.

Yazeth: Several mice enter the room, bearing the requested gold. They deposit it on Trey’s desk and then leave. Their last task of the day.

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “That’s it I take it?”

Yazeth: The mouse nods. “That’s it. If you like, you can leave it here and pick it up in the morning.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “That sounds good.”

Yazeth: Trey nods and stands. “In that case, I’ll see if I can get someone to lead you to spare quarters.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods yet again. “Great!”

Yazeth: Trey sticks his head out of the door and calls to a mouse walking down the corridor. “Ren? Can you set these two up with rooms for the night?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Sure I will.”

Yazeth: Trey clasps Soquan’s then Jozra’s paws. “I’ll see you two in the morning then. Goodnight.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Goodnight Trey.” He follows Ren as he begins to head down the hall.

Yazeth: The ferret follows, this time making a point of creating a mental map.

Arrin Woodgreen: He leads them to two rooms. “There you two go…  One for the each of yeh.”

Yazeth: Jozra nods at Ren. “Thank you.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Aye, thank you.”

Yazeth: After the mouse leaves, the ferret opens the door of her own room and peeks in. “Looks comfy, if maybe a little small. See you in the morning, then?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods, groping for the other door handle. “Aye. G’night Jozra.”

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Chapter 13: 5-1 Pieces Tue, 17 Mar 2009 06:09:45 +0000

Continue reading]]> Chapter 13: 5-1 Pieces

In Which Soquan and Trey Settle On the Share the Otter Will Take.


Catamount says: Soon the crush of mice behind the travelers and Trey begins to dissipate as they return to their work in side tunnels. Jozra makes note of the few who are rather reluctant to leave, though. The three finally come to a curtain suspended across a doorway carved into the rock.

Arrin says: He murmurs to Jozra. “What do you see?”

Catamount says: She gazes about. “It’s really quite marvelous. Seems as though they carved an office right out of the rock. And it’s a large office too. Looks like there are tunnels leading off to other places too.”

Arrin says: He grins, old memories flooding in. “Wonderful.”

Catamount says: Trey indicates a pair of comfy looking armchairs. “Have a seat.”

Arrin says: He nods and he feels his way towards the chairs. He flops down with a contented sigh.

Catamount says: Jozra follows and sits in the other comfortable chair. “Ahh…”

Arrin says: He grins. “So how’ve you been?”

Catamount says: The mouse sits in the large chair behind a desk. “Quite well, actually. We’ve had quite a run of successes recently.”

Arrin says: He nods. “That’s good.”

Catamount says: Trey nods and settles back. “So! What brings the two of you down our way?”

Arrin says: He sits back, crossing one leg over the other. “I’m here for a bit of my share.”

Catamount says: Both mouse and ferret quirk their eyebrows, though for different reasons. Trey says, “Go on…”

Arrin says: “Come on, when we found this place, we agreed everything went 50/50.”

Catamount says: Jozra simply stares between the two. MOST unexpected indeed. Trey frowns slightly. “ Everything, Soquan? And right away? I’ve had to expand the effort and many of these mice now take home a share in compensation for their efforts…”

Arrin says: He frowns, thinking. “Then how much of my share is left?”

Catamount says: Trey steeples his fingers. “That depends on how much you’re planning on taking at the moment. It fluctuates, my friend. There will, of course, always be the reserve for you to take. It just depends on how much of your current share that you want.”

Arrin says: He shakes his head. “Not a lot, two or four of the class 5-1 pieces.”

Catamount says: The mouse breathes a sigh of relief. “I was afraid you were here to take it all!  That’s no problem at all, my friend.”

Arrin says: He grins. “Good, now what do you say about getting us a nice bath and some food?”

Catamount says: Trey smiles and bobs his head. “I’ll have Borah take you two to the field respite for that bath and you can join us in about an hour for dinner. I’ll take care of those 5-1 pieces in the meantime.”

Arrin says: He nods. “I hope we get a bed afterwards…”

Catamount says: The mouse laughs. “But of course!”

Arrin says: He nods again. “Alright then, it’s set.”

Catamount says: Jozra stands as a small gray mouse, obviously Borah, approaches. She touches Soquan’s shoulder and smiles gratefully at Trey.

Arrin says: He grins at Trey. “Thank you.”

Catamount says: The ferret bobs her head and echoes Soquan’s sentiment before turning to the other mouse who leads the two out of the cave and back into the tunnels.

Arrin says: He follows the mouse also, his paw gently resting on Jozra’s arm to know which way to go.


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Chapter 12: The SteamSpring Mining Company Tue, 17 Mar 2009 06:02:01 +0000

Continue reading]]> Chapter 12: The SteamSpring Mining Company

In Which Soquan Encounters An Old Friend.


Yazeth: Jozra stands tall next to Soquan. Again, her paw strays to the hilt of her knife as the first of the mice begin to come into view.

Arrin Woodgreen: He readies his staff, turning towards her. “I wonder how scruffy we look to them. We might look frightful, damp, dusty, and travel worn…”

Yazeth: The ferret sizes up her companion in the growing light. “You’re right. That cold bath we had did little to remove the road dust. Not only that, we’re pretty muddy.”

Arrin Woodgreen: His ears flick this way and that as he listens to the approaching beasts. “Not to mention skinny from watching our rations while we were snowed in.”

Yazeth: “Aye… We’re a pretty raggedy pair.” She peers down the tunnel. “They seem pretty heavily armed.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Okay.” He frowns. “I wonder what they intend to do to us.”

Yazeth: The ferret flattens her ears slightly. “Hopefully they won’t do much.” She trails off as the first of the mice get within hearing range.

Arrin Woodgreen: He readies himself, picking up on the mice’s closeness.

Yazeth: The first of the mice shouts a challenge. “You’ll leave if you know what’s good for you, vermin.” Apparently he isn’t close enough to tell that one is an otter.

Arrin Woodgreen: He shouts back. “Vermin yourself, what are you doing ganging up on two honest travelers?”

Yazeth: The mouse returns the shout. “Trespassers, more like it!”

Arrin Woodgreen: “Trespassers? As far as I can remember this tunnel has been open to anybeast. What gives you the right to say otherwise?”

Yazeth: The spokes-mouse puffs his chest out.  Behind him, Jozra can see the first mouse. “The SteamSpring Mining Company, that’s what!”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins suddenly. “The SSMC? Let me see your supervisor.”

Yazeth: The spokes-mouse falters for a second, startled by Soquan’s reaction. “Erm, hold on a second.” He whispers into the ear of a nearby mouse who passes the message back.  Jozra maintains her silence.

Arrin Woodgreen: His grin remains and he places a paw on Jozra’s weapon paw.

Yazeth: The ferret glances at Soquan before relaxing her stance.

Arrin says: He lowers his own weapon, waiting for word to get back to them.

Catamount says: Again the ferret glances at Soquan. She’s not so sure about this but the otter appears to know what he’s doing. Soon, the press of mice begins to part as an older mouse approaches the travelers.

Arrin says: His ears perk up and her grins widely. “Trey mate! How are you?”

Catamount says: Jozra smiles at the older mouse in a friendly manner.

Arrin says: He embraces the mouse in a friendly manner. “What have you been up to?  I thought you guys weren’t coming this far to the surface.”

Catamount says:The ferret stares in obvious confusion. The mouse chuckles at his friend’s companion’s reaction.

Arrin says: He frowns at the mouse. “Can you tell me why this tunnel is so strict entry now? After all, we both found it.”

Catamount says: Trey chuckles. “New discoveries, my friend.  Of course, if I had known you would be visiting, you’re welcome certainly would have been warmer.”

Arrin says: He chuckles. “Your front guard was a bit too sketchy.” He puts an arm around his shoulder and the two head down the tunnel, Soquan motions for Jozra to follow.

Catamount says: The ferret shrugs in helplessness at the first mouse, who scowls in return. She follows the pair as they make their way down the tunnel.

Arrin says: Slowly yet surely, gold begins to line the walls.  Not as much as first, then quite heavily.

Catamount says: Jozra stares in amazement, but notices the other mice closing in tightly behind her, blocking any exit.

Arrin says: The otter and mouse chatter away friendly, laughing loudly.

Catamount says: The ferret maintains her silence. She’s convinced Trey means to have no harm come to his friend’s friend, but the other mice don’t look so happy about her species.

Arrin says: He removes his arm from around the mouse. “Where are my manners? Trey, this is Jozra, a very dear friend of mine.  Jozra, this is Trey, we’ve known each other since childhood.”

Catamount says: Jozra smiles at Trey and shakes his paw. “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

Arrin says: He grins and stays quiet, letting the two talk.

Catamount says: Trey grins at the ferret. “Any friend of Soquan is a friend of mine!”

Arrin says: He smiles. “We just found the gem chamber, and the pool inside.”

Catamount says: The ferret laughs self-consciously. “Hence our, ah, rather bedraggled appearance…”

Arrin says: He nods. “Aye, plus we were snowed in at the low cave by the springs for a while.”

Catamount says: Trey’s eyes widen at the pair’s tales. “Sounds like you two have had a heck of a journey!”

Arrin says: He nods. “It was originally just supposed to be a day trip to see this place.”

Catamount says: The ferret chuckles. “Turned out to be quite an adventure all its own.”

Arrin says: He nods, yawning loudly.

Catamount says: Trey smiles at Soquan. “You two look rather tired. Fear not, our field office is just ahead. We can get some food into you guys there.”

Arrin says: He grins lopsidedly, throwing an arm around Jozra. “ Sounds good, doesn’t it?”

Catamount says: The ferret smiles. “Aye, that it does.”

Arrin says: He yawns sleepily and continues to follow Trey’s lead.


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