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March 2009 archive

Chapter 14: A Bath

Chapter 14: A Bath In Which the Companions Enjoy the Hospitality Of the SSMC. ——————————————————————————————— Catamount says: The pair follow Borah down the tunnels in silence, the young mouse seems to be quite shy. After a bit she ventures, “I guess you know my name… What’s yours?” Arrin says: He grins. “T’name’s Soquan.” Catamount says: The ferret …

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Chapter 13: 5-1 Pieces

Chapter 13: 5-1 Pieces In Which Soquan and Trey Settle On the Share the Otter Will Take. ——————————————————————————————— Catamount says: Soon the crush of mice behind the travelers and Trey begins to dissipate as they return to their work in side tunnels. Jozra makes note of the few who are rather reluctant to leave, though. …

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Chapter 12: The SteamSpring Mining Company

Chapter 12: The SteamSpring Mining Company In Which Soquan Encounters An Old Friend. ——————————————————————————————– Yazeth: Jozra stands tall next to Soquan. Again, her paw strays to the hilt of her knife as the first of the mice begin to come into view. Arrin Woodgreen: He readies his staff, turning towards her. “I wonder how scruffy …

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Chapter 11: Unwelcome

Chapter 11: Unwelcome In Which A Mouse Tries To Block The Pair’s Path. ——————————————————————————————— Arrin says: He leads her through the cave. “So back to the house? Or to the gold?” Catamount says: The ferret shrugs. “I wouldn’t know which way to go for either anyway.  Though I suppose, since we’re here…” Arrin says: He …

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Bonus 1: Background Raws

 Be warned! Within this post lie potential spoilers to future chapters! This set of bonus content contains raw plotting regarding character development, the world at large, and upcoming chapters.  Some of the things discussed within have since come true, others are ideas that were dropped, and still others have been warped into their current forms. …

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Chapter 10: The Gem Room

Chapter 10: The Gem Room In Which the Pair Find A Beautiful But Dangerous Cavern. ——————————————————————————————— Arrin says: They continue down the tunnel and soon come into a chamber.  Light shines in from the top and the walls are coated with jewels and gemstones. Catamount says: The ferret gasps. “ It’s amazing!” Arrin says: He perks …

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Chapter 9: The Mine

Chapter 9: The Mine In Which The Companions Reach The Entrance to Their Destination. ——————————————————————————————— Arrin says: Days later Soquan pushes at the sheet of ice that has formed at the entrance of the cave. He laughs as he breaks through. “I got through! We’re outta here!” Catamount says: Jozra gives a whoop. “Wonderful!” She hastily packs …

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Chapter 8: Snowed In

Chapter 8: Snowed In In Which Jozra and Soquan Find Themselves Snowed Into Their Burrow. ——————————————————————————————— Catamount says: Hours later the ferret wakes up into darkness. She furrows her brow and murmurs. “That’s odd…” Arrin says: The otter grumbles in his sleep and rolls over, taking with him his body heat and a lot of …

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Chapter 7: The Burrow

Chapter 7: The Burrow In Which the Companions Seek Shelter From the Weather In A Small Cave. ——————————————————————————————— Arrin Woodgreen: He thinks. “There should be a cave somewhere nearby…” He thinks while pulling on his shirt. Yazeth: Jozra nods. “I’m looking for one. There’s a ledge over there that we might be able to use, just in …

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Chapter 6: The Hot Spring

Chapter 6: The Hot Spring In Which the Companions Find a Hot Spring In Their Travels. ——————————————————————————————— Arrin says: He walks beside her, hefting his pack slightly.  “The air’s getting wetter, it’s going to snow…” Catamount says: The ferret nods. “Looks like clouds building up near the summit, too.” Arrin says: He shrugs. “It’ll probably just …

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