define('WP_CACHE', true); Chapter 28: Heading South – Crossed Paths – Logs

Chapter 28: Heading South

Chapter 28: Heading South

In Which Arrin Sleeps Like A Log.


Arrin Woodgreen:  He wakes up at dawn after blissfully dreaming of having his sight back. He climbs out of bed and starts packing.

Yazeth: Jozra wakes up as soon as Soquan climbs out of bed. She mutters a, “Morning” before grabbing her pack and wandering out to the kitchen to pack as much of the foodstuff that will fit.

Arrin Woodgreen: Arrin lies asleep with her head on the kitchen table. The cut and uncut fruit around her suggests that she fell asleep during this task.

Yazeth: Jozra grins at the sight. Quietly she sets her pack down and pulls the fruit towards her and finishes Arrin’s task.

Arrin Woodgreen: Arrin continues to sleep, snoring softly. Soquan emerges from the bedroom several minutes later with his pack.

Yazeth: The ferret moves quietly over to Soquan and whispers to him. “Let Arrin sleep a bit longer. She fell asleep cutting up some fruit.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He chuckles. “No need to whisper, Arrin sleeps like a log.” He puts down his pack and picks up his sister, taking her to her bedroom.

Yazeth: Jozra chuckles as well and completes slicing the fruit. She spies a jar set on the table, apparently for packaging the fruit, and places the fruit slices into it.

Arrin Woodgreen: He returns and stands beside her. “Need any help?”

Yazeth: She shakes her head as she places the rest of the fruit into the jar and closes the lid tightly. “Nope. Just finished. I think our canteens can use some filling though.” She moves to start packing the food into the packs.

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “I’ll do that, pass me yours?”

Yazeth: Jozra hands her canteen to the otter.

Arrin Woodgreen: He smiles and disappears from the room to fill the canteens.

Yazeth: Soon all of the prepared food – the maple bars, the fruit, cheese, and nuts, the bread and the fish – is all packed, distributed between the two packs. Jozra returns to the bedroom to pick up the rest of her things. She straps on her long dagger and carries her boots and cloak out into the kitchen, not ready to put them on. Yet.

Arrin Woodgreen: He returns and walks up beside her, holding out her canteen. “Here ya go.”

Yazeth: She takes the full canteen and attaches it to the outside of her pack. “Looks like we’re just about ready to go.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Aye, it does.” He attaches his as well. “Too bad Arrin’s still asleep, I don’t have the heart to wake her, she’s done a lot for us.”

Yazeth:  Fortunately, at that moment Arrin walks in blearily. She yawns mightily. “Didn’t want to miss saying g’bye.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan brightens and he bounds over to his sister, scooping her up in a tight hug.

Yazeth: Jozra grins as Arrin returns the hug while still yawning. As soon as she has the chance, Jozra gives Arrin a hug as well. “Thanks so much for everything.”

Arrin Woodgreen: She smiles and returns the hug. “What’re friends for?” She hugs Soquan again, much briefer this time. “You come back y’hear me? I want to be an aunt before I get too old. Shouldn’t be too hard with all the females that moon after you. Although, the one standing right behind you wouldn’t be a bad choice either.”

Soquan flushes slightly and shoves Arrin playfully.

Yazeth: Jozra flushes as well, flattered but embarrassed.

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan clears his throat slightly, if anything, feeling a little awkward. “Well, we best be off.”

Yazeth: The ferret nods as she pulls on her boots, attaches her cloak and shoulders her pack. “I’ll make sure he finds his way back North before too long.”

Arrin Woodgreen: She nods. “You do that. You’re welcome to come too.”

Yazeth: The ferret grins. “Thanks.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan puts on his cloak, boots and hefts his back. “Goodbye Arrin.”

Yazeth: Arrin walks the pair to the door, still rubbing her bleary eyes. “Goodbye you two. Safe travels.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “We will. No more beating on poor male courtiers okay?”

Yazeth: Arrin chuckles and waves as her brother and the ferret begin their journey south by walking down the path.

Arrin Woodgreen: The otter grins and slings an arm around his companion’s shoulders as they walk further on. “So my dear friend, how did you sleep last night?”

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