define('WP_CACHE', true); Chapter 30: Entering Kodan – Crossed Paths – Logs

Chapter 30: Entering Kodan

Chapter 30: Entering Kodan

In Which The Two Find An Inn.


Arrin Woodgreen:  He wakes up as a grey dawn begins to form.  He yawns and stretches, shuffling around camp a bit.

Yazeth:  A few minutes later Jozra awakens as well. She lays back for a bit feeling the soreness in her muscles before standing and stretching them out.

Arrin Woodgreen: He looks up from toasting some fish. “Morning sleepyhead.”

Yazeth: Jozra grins. “Sleepyhead yourself. That fish smells delicious!”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “I aim to please.”

Yazeth: She chuckles and takes her place by the fire, pulling a few of Arrin’s ‘Wandering Cakes’ from her pack.

Arrin Woodgreen: He pulls the fish from the fire and gives her her share. “Here, eat up.”

Yazeth: Jozra takes her share and hands a cake to Soquan.

Arrin Woodgreen: He takes the cake and wraps it in the fish, eating it happily.

Yazeth: The ferret finishes eating her breakfast quickly.

Arrin Woodgreen: He finishes and begins to pack his things. “Ready to head out?”

Yazeth: Jozra nods as she finishes tying the laces on her pack. “Yep. Let’s go.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He hefts his pack. “It shouldn’t be much longer ’till we get there.”

Yazeth: The ferret clambers out of the hollow and back onto the trail. “Okay.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He follows, falling in step beside her.

Yazeth: Soon the pair is well on their way, making good time despite the bad trail and the sparring match the night before.

Arrin Woodgreen: He flexes his shoulder slightly. “Does your back hurt like hell’s gates too?”

Yazeth: The ferret laughs and stretches a little. “That it does.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins at her. “Once we get to the town we can both have a soak and a rest.”

Yazeth: Jozra grins back. “That sound just like what we need.”

Arrin Woodgreen: The two continue along the path and soon the tops of the taller buildings in the town can be seen.

Yazeth: After describing it to Soquan, the two quicken their pace, hoping to get there in time for lunch.

Arrin Woodgreen: He speeds up with her. “If we find an inn, they’ll probably include meals in the bill.”

Yazeth: The ferret nods. “And it’s not like we have to worry about cash.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He laughs. “Yeah.”

Yazeth: Soon the small trail feeds into a much larger one that quickly becomes a full blown city street.

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan stays close to the ferret as the street grows increasingly busy.  He places a paw on her forearm, not wanting to get separated from his friend.

Yazeth: Jozra guides her companion around knots of beasts talking or going about their business. As they enter the marketplace, she gets the attention of a friendly pine marten selling cloth. “Could you perhaps direct us to an inn?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “Of course matey, keep going down this street and turn right the first time you can, then the second left. It’s called ‘Traveler’s Waypoint.’ It’s not a very popular inn, but has wonderful service and lodging.”

Yazeth:  Jozra thanks the marten and leads Soquan down the street, taking the first possible right.

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins at Jozra. “Well that was a nice fellow.”

Yazeth: The ferret nods. “Friendly for such a large city.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Aye.” He continues to stay close. “So did he say the second left?”

Yazeth: Jozra nods again. “Yep. We’ve passed one already.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins. “Wonderful.”

Yazeth:  “Ah, here it is.” The two round the corner onto a smaller side street. It is narrow, but neat. A couple of small shops line the alley and in the middle a three storied building bears the sign ‘The Traveler’s Waypoint.’

Arrin Woodgreen: He follows silently, not having much to say at the moment. He scratches absently behind his ear as they walk.

Yazeth: Presently the two are climbing the short flight of steps leading up to the wide doorway. “I hope we’re in time for lunch.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Same here.” He opens the door and steps through the doorway.

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