define('WP_CACHE', true); Chapter 50: Joseph The Healer – Crossed Paths – Logs

Chapter 50: Joseph The Healer

Chapter 50: Joseph The Healer

In Which Tea Solves Everything.


Yazeth: The young ferret leads them down a series of twisting streets, deeper into the city that the two had delved previously. Soon they arrive at a small stone church with a magnificent wooden spike sticking out of the center. Jinx leads them around back to a small door where she knocks quickly.

Arrin Woodgreen: He frowns at the ferret. “What is this place?”

Yazeth: She grins as they wait at the door. “This is the Solstice Temple. Fiarah says her mentor lives here.” Soon sounds can be heard from within.

Arrin Woodgreen: He cocks an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Yazeth: Jinx shrugs. “I’ve never met him. Should be a good healer if he’s taught Fiarah, eh?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He chuckles softly. “I guess you’re right there.”

Yazeth: The door creaks open, revealing an elderly mouse. He squints at those on his doorstep. “Yes?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He shifts a bit uneasily, letting Jinx handle the situation.

Yazeth: The youngster beams up at the mouse. “Kirrian kicked these two out of the House so Fiarah sent us here. The ferret’s hypothermic and the otter’s got a cut on his paw. Can you help? We have breakfast…” The healer mouse blinks at the jill but stands aside to admit them. “Er, yes… Come in, come in.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods his thanks and shuffles inside, careful not to bang Jozra on the doorway.

Yazeth: Jinx hands the bundle of food to the mouse. “I’ve got to get back before they miss me.” She winks again at Soquan, knowing he can’t see it, and races out the door back into the rain.

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquah shifts uneasily again, checking on Jozra’s condition.

Yazeth: Joseph stares out the doorway for a moment, perplexedly shifting from foot to foot. After a moment, he shuts the door and places the bundle of food on a counter before approaching the otter and prone ferret. “Ah, you can put her over the…” He pauses for a moment, squinting at the otter’s face. “Ah. So sorry. Er…” The mouse glances around before placing a paw on Soquan’s arm and leading him to a bed set up in the corner just for situations such as this. “You can put her here.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods politely at Joseph while easing Jozra onto the bed gently. “So we can stay for a bit then?”

Yazeth: The mouse nods enthusiastically. “You can stay for as long as you need. I am a healer, after all. I’m not about to turn away sick beasts. Even if I am retired.”

Arrin Woodgreen: His smile widens a bit. “Thank you very much Sir, I appreciate your help.”

Yazeth: Joseph grins, pleased to see the otter happy. “Shall we see what sort of breakfast they brought? Why don’t you, ah, if you could feel your way around I’m sure you could find the sack the little ferret brought. It’s on the counter across the room. I’ll just, er, just check on your friend.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He frowns a bit, not too eager to be overly far away from his friend. After a moment, he gives a slight nod and heads over towards where the table is.

Yazeth: The mouse smiles briefly at the otter before moving over to Jozra. The blanket is damp, though fortunately not entirely soaked through. After a moment of thought, the mouse is suddenly very professional, relaxing back into old routines that his practiced paws never forgot. He mutters to himself as he checks the ferret’s condition. “Mrm… Too low, best not get any lower. And a little high…” Thinking for a moment, he turns to the otter. “Ah, hypothermia they said?”

Arrin Woodgreen: Having just located the snack bag, he turns, nodding. “Aye, that’s what Fiarah told me.”

Yazeth: The mouse nods thoughtfully. “She was given, ah, a warm bath, yes? To bring back up her temperature?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods again. “Yeah, they were going to get her a hot water bottle too.”

Yazeth: Nodding again the mouse comments. “Well done then, but that’s not the problem now…” He trails off absently.

Arrin Woodgreen: His brow furrows, the food now forgotten. “Then what’s the problem?”

Yazeth: Joseph blinks quickly. “Er…” The healer mouse always had an impeccable bedside manner, it was always the others around the bedside that gave him trouble.  Unsure of how to respond exactly to the otter, much less how the blind otter will respond, he hems and haws for a moment.

Arrin Woodgreen: He fidgets a bit, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly as he waits for the mouse’s reply.

Yazeth: “Well… ah, well she’s got a fever now. Er, and her blood pressure’s a bit, ah, a bit low.” The mouse shifts a little nervously. “Do you think you could help me, help me get this wet blanket off of her and under some dry covers?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He brightens at something to do other than stand around. “Of course! Should we get her in some clothing also?”

Yazeth: Joseph nods in relief. A helpful and attentive friend was better than a moping and worrying one. “There’s robes for all size of beasts in that cupboard in the corner there.  Could you find one that will fit her?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He motions to the packs by the bed. “She has clothing in there, would those do instead?”

Yazeth: The mouse scratches his head glancing at the way the otter is attired. “Ah, perhaps not if her clothes are like, are like yours. Something loose and warm I would think, yes.”

Arrin Woodgreen: The otter thinks a moment before nodding. “You’re right. I’ll be right back then.” He heads for the cupboard.

Yazeth: Jospeh strokes the ferret’s head, thinking. The fever, well, it is only slight and perhaps due to a small virus. It’s the low blood pressure that worries him. He calls out to the otter. “Did, ah, did Fiarah try to feed your friend?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He calls back from searching the closet. “Not yet, she said something about waiting till today to give her any sort of nourishment.”

Yazeth: The mouse nods. “Smart, but maybe we should try and get some medicinal tea down her now.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He returns with the robe and nods. “Okay.” He hands the robe to Joseph. “Hold this? I’ll get the blanket off.”

Yazeth: Joseph takes hold of the robe and stands away from the bed. “Okay.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He gently unfolds the blankets from the front of Jozra, then lifts her carefully as he slides the damp blanket out from under her. He holds out a paw towards Joseph. “Robe please.”

Yazeth: The mouse hands the robe to the otter. “If you could, ah, could get her settled, I’ll see to fixing up some breakfast for all of us.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Thank you, I will.” He begins to slip the robe onto Jozra, doing his best not to wake her.

Yazeth: Surprisingly, the ferret who did not wake previously moans slightly. Her eyes flutter and briefly focus on Soquan before slipping back into unconsciousness.

Arrin Woodgreen: He catches the moan and stops. “Jozra?”

Yazeth: The ferret, of course, does not respond but the healer mouse pauses in the midst of crushing a powdery root. “Eh?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He shrugs. “I swear she was awake for a moment. I might just be hearing things though.” He continues to dress the ferret.

Yazeth: Joseph smiles briefly. “I didn’t hear anything.” He finishes crushing the root and adds a pinch or two of it to a small silk bag already filled with shredded herbs.

Arrin Woodgreen: He shrugs. “Oh well then. He eases her back down and pulls the blankets on the bed over her.

Yazeth: The mouse retrieves a steaming kettle from the stove and pours a mug full. He knots the bag closed tightly and plops it in the mug before turning to the pasties and cheese Fiarah and Jinx packed.

Arrin Woodgreen: He gives a half-yawn and settles down at Jozra’s bedside, determined to get some uninterrupted sleep.

Yazeth: Joseph divides the food up unevenly, as the older mouse has a smaller appetite than the younger otter must have, and calls to Soquan. “Breakfast is, ah, is served.” He swirls the teabag in the now greenish colored brew and checks the temperature.

Arrin Woodgreen: Having dozed off, his eyes crack open. “Huh? What?”

Yazeth: The mouse, somewhat oblivious to the fact that the otter had been sleeping, changes his mind. “Actually, could you help me, help me get your friend to drink some of this tea?”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods sleepily. “Sure. What do you need me to do?”

Yazeth: “Um,” he pauses while carrying the mug to the bedside. “Just, just hold her in a sitting position. Yes, that should, should do fine.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods and does as he is asked. Climbing up behind the ferret to support her as he holds her up.

Yazeth: Joseph sits on the bed and gently attempts to wake the ferret. “Shhh, just try a sip of this. It will make you feel better.” Interestingly enough, when addressing a patient the mouse’s stutter and ‘ums’ disappear.

Arrin Woodgreen: He continues to support Jozra, briefly wondering if the mouse would be able to wake her from her state of rest.

Yazeth: Jozra does not wake, at least not completely. Some hazy quasi-consciousness allows her to swallow the tea the mouse pours into her mouth without choking on it.

Arrin Woodgreen: He gives another yawn, perfectly content to allow Jozra to lean against him.

Yazeth: Soon the mug is quite empty and the mouse pats Jozra’s head. “Very good, all gone.” He looks up to the otter. “You can, can tuck her in again.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan has seems to have fallen back asleep by then. He now leans against the wall with Jozra pillowed against him.

Yazeth: The healer mouse smiles gently at the sleeping otter and quietly slips off to consume his own breakfast and begin his morning chores.

Arrin Woodgreen: He continues to sleep peacefully, his arms draped gently around his friend.

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