define('WP_CACHE', true); Chapter 69: Spring Storms – Crossed Paths – Logs

Chapter 69: Spring Storms

Chapter 69: Spring Storms

In Which Water Spontaneously Falls From The Sky.


Yazeth: Midnight comes and goes and with it, heavier clouds arrive and decide to stick around. There are still several hours left before dawn when the clouds break and being to pour down rain.

Arrin Woodgreen: It takes a few minutes of rain and a loud clap of thunder to wake the otter. He jerks upright and, noticing the weather, he scowls. “Oh, goody.” He turns and moves to shake his companion. “Joz, wake up.”

Yazeth: Jozra’s eyes pop open as Soquan shakes her awake. It only takes her another moment to realize why he’s waking her up. “Graaghhh… There’s… Shelter… I saw windfall that might protect us from the weather when I was gathering wood.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods and rises, grabbing their packs and partially wet blankets. “Lead the way.”

Yazeth: The ferret quickly modifies the blanket to cover her head and then grabs Soquan’s paw, leading off into the forest. In the dark the windfall would have been hard to find, but fortunately it wasn’t too far away and Jozra quickly remembered where she had seen it.

Arrin Woodgreen: He follows without complaint, trying to keep hold on Jozra, their packs, and his blanket all at once.

Yazeth: Jozra quickly ducks under the fallen branches, making sure Soquan’s head doesn’t run into any in the process. Thankfully, the interior is much drier than the exterior. “Here we are.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan nods. “We could put up our blankets for more shelter.”

Yazeth: The ferret quickly begins hanging up her blanket to create a better roof. “Good idea, Soq.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan helps set up the best he can, and soon, he and the ferret settle down under their shelter.

Yazeth: Jozra ruffles the damp fur on her head, trying to make it dry faster. “I suppose this is what we get for commenting on the weather. Ugh.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan snickers softly at her statement and nods his head in agreement. “Shoulda knocked on wood.”

Yazeth: The ferret chuckles. “No shortage of that now.” She settles herself in the shelter and tries to get some more sleep. “Goodnight again, Soq.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Still sitting up, Soquan wraps an arm around the ferret’ shoulders and allows her to settle close. “Night Joz.” Still sitting upright, he leans back slightly and closes his eyes.

Yazeth: Jozra drops of quickly, feeling more secure in the small hide-away. The rain continues on through the night and into the morning.

Arrin Woodgreen: Morning arrives grey, wet and desolate. Beside the ferret, Soquan begins to stir.

Yazeth: The otter’s stirrings rouse the ferret and with a groan she realizes it’s not exactly early morning and that the rain hasn’t stopped.  “…grzzllzzandyrnunnnn…”

Arrin Woodgreen: Haze lifts from the otter’s sleepy mind and he opens his eyes, lofting his head to look towards her. “What was that?”

Yazeth: The ferret shakes her head blearily. “Ugh. Well, we have two choices here. Sit in this shelter until the rain either stops or brings it down around our head or face the damp and make it to an inn with a proper roof and a fire.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan attempts to shake the last of the sleep cobwebs from his mind as he replies. “I think we should head for an inn.”

Yazeth: Jozra nods as she crouches in the shelter, trying to get their belongings together in the gloom. “I agree. Let’s just eat something simple and quick for breakfast.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan nods and grabs some bread and stuffs it with some of the fish and hands it to her. He repeats the gesture and holds it in his mouth as he packs his bag.

Yazeth: The ferret polishes off her breakfast quickly and finishes packing her own bag. She hefts it onto her back and then drapes her cloak over it to keep the contents dry.

Arrin Woodgreen: He duplicates the ferret’s idea without realizing it, and tries to speak around his breakfast. “Reafe?”

Yazeth: Jozra peeks out the entrance for a second, regaining her bearings, before assenting to the otter and slipping outside into the wet.

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan follows behind, making a small sound of displeasure as they step into the rain.

Yazeth: The rain, while thankfully not a pounding deluge, is still an unpleasant, slimy sort of persistent downpour.

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan continues to mutter darkly about the weather under his breath on and off throughout their trek. Several times the otter slips in the mud and has to grab his companion for support.

Yazeth: Soon both of them are more than damp and pretty muddy. Jozra, though she tried to keep it at bay, has begun coughing again, infrequently but enough to be annoying, and perhaps worrying in Soquan’s case.

Arrin Woodgreen: After some time, Soquan tries to get some of the water off of him, and turns towards the ferret. “Can you see the town yet?”

Yazeth: The ferret shakes her head, sending droplets of water flying. “Not yet but it shouldn’t be too far away.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He attempts to rid himself of excess water again. “Gods, I just want out of this weather, it’s horrible.”

Yazeth: Jozra chuckles as she slicks some water off of her face. “What’s the matter, Soquan? I thought you otters liked it wet?”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan sends a flurry of water droplets her way as he flicks his paw towards her. “In lakes, rivers and whatnot, sure. But this just isn’t the same. Besides, I’m only half otter if you recall.”

Yazeth: The ferret snickers and ducks the spray of water, not that it would do much good in this rain. “Whatever you say, Soq.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins at her, and sends another spray of water at her. “I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to a warm meal and a soft, dry bed.”

Yazeth: Jozra nods emphatically. “I can’t wait to relax by a big fire. Speaking of which, I thought I just caught a whiff of wood smoke.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He nods. “Same here, I was starting to think my nose was playing tricks on me.”

Yazeth: The ferret picks up her pace a little, striding down the path towards the scent. “We should be nearly there, then. I think… Yes, there’s a building up ahead.”

Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan gives a whoop and thumps the ferret on the shoulder. “Up for a run?”

Yazeth: She grins at the otter’s enthusiasm. “We might not have to, looks like we’re here.” Indeed, the trail has become a road, and while it’s not paved like Kodan’s streets, it is maintained well enough. Buildings frame either side of the street, previously hidden by the overall grayness and rain.

Arrin Woodgreen: Having perked up, Soquan practically bounces beside Jozra as they stroll down the empty street. “Wonderful!”

Yazeth: Jozra peers up at the signs over the buildings, hunting for an inn. Finally she finds what she is looking for in a double story building, shutters closed tight against the weather but with warm light spilling out around the edges. “Here we are, Soq. Lets hope the rooms aren’t all full.”

Arrin Woodgreen: He grins and reaches around her to open the door for her. “After you my dear, soggy companion.”

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