Chapter 34: Lessons In Futility In Which Bad First Impressions Are Made. ——————————————————————————————— Arrin Woodgreen: Soquan, having been waiting in front of the bathhouses for a while, knocks softly on the female’s door. “Jozra? Are you in there?†Yazeth: Jozra sits on the bed, reassessing the situation. After a moment, she glances out the door …
Tag: Kodan
Feb 26
Chapter 33: Unnecessary Rescue
Chapter 33: Unnecessary Rescue In Which Jozra Does Not Need To Be Saved. ——————————————————————————————— Yazeth: Jozra soaks for a few more minutes before realizing that it has been about an hour since she parted company with Soquan. Excusing herself from her company, she clambers out of the tub, heading for the towel rack. Arrin Woodgreen: A …
Feb 24
Chapter 32: The Bath House
Chapter 32: The Bath House In Which Jozra Meets Some Locals. ——————————————————————————————— Yazeth: The pair make their way down to the main thoroughfare where they had been directed. A few blocks later they happen upon the public Baths. Arrin Woodgreen: They stand in front of two doors, one marked for males and the other for …
Feb 21
Chapter 31: The Traveler’s Waypoint
Chapter 31: The Traveler’s Waypoint In Which The Inn Turns Out To Be Pretty Fancy. ——————————————————————————————— Yazeth: ‘The Traveler’s Waypoint’ has a large foyer. To the side is a ‘mudroom’ with a shelf full of towels should any visitors be caught in the rain before entering. To the other side is an enclosed reception desk while …
Feb 19
Chapter 30: Entering Kodan
Chapter 30: Entering Kodan In Which The Two Find An Inn. ——————————————————————————————— Arrin Woodgreen: He wakes up as a grey dawn begins to form. He yawns and stretches, shuffling around camp a bit. Yazeth:  A few minutes later Jozra awakens as well. She lays back for a bit feeling the soreness in her muscles before standing …