Category: Design

Getting Rid of Asterisks

In addition to formatting the chapter-ed logs for upload, I’ve started going back through the already uploaded logs and changing the way action and conversation is formatted. Since this was an RP played in a variety of chat rooms and instant messengers, it made sense at the time to enclose actions withing asterisks *she said* …

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October 2010 Progress

I’ve updated the splash page, as there’s enough content to no longer warrant a “coming soon” page. I also learned how to make an HTML redirect page, yay me! (I figure since there’s hardly anything on the main page that it should just go ahead and redirect here. You can also click on the banner …

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…and Back. Again.

Soon after my previous post my brand new hard drive gave up the ghost taking with it everything since May 2008 (my most recent backups). It will take me a little while to recover from that, considering I need to re-do all of the changes to my Crossed Paths filing system to catch up to …

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Art Blog!

The Art Blog is up and functional!  Holst, you’ll need to set up a new account there but it can be the same info as here.  Soq’s already done so.  I also upgraded you both here from Authors to Editors because there’s more options that way. The next step is Admin which has too many …

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*blows off the dust*

So yeah, I’m working on this again. New layout template and I like the lines on this one though the colors could use a little tweaking. If anyone else wants to work on that they’re welcome to. Just remember to record the hex code and indicate where which color should go. Also the layout came …

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Excuse the dust…

I’m working on setting up a forum theme to match the website! Because I am completely unfamiliar with doing something like this (my CSS skillz lose) I imagine the news-blog will look very strange or even broken until I am sucessful. Please assume that I am aware of problems that crop up until I say …

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Shout out!

Well no wonder Holst couldn’t figure out how to post! I had it set so that people that registered were automatically set as “Subscriber.” I’ve changed it to “Author” (instead of contributor or editor) so hopefully that works out! (I figure we’ll leave admin as the only administrator unless we feel the need to change.) I’ve …

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Check it out! DreamHost had the one-click install of WordPress, for free, so I tried it out to see if that would work for our news and artblog dreams. So far, so good! It doesn’t LOOK the way I want it, but I was too excited about it to fiddle with it first and THEN …

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