Author's posts
Getting Rid of Asterisks: The Revenge
Asterisk editing is finally complete! The whole of CP Alpha has finally been edited to so that it’s easier to read, including chapters that hadn’t been broken up yet. It came to a total of 92 chapters, each anywhere from 3 to 6 pages, but usually around 4. There’s a small gap from missing logs …
Getting Rid of Asterisks: The Update
Well that took a little longer than intended, it is now almost July! The necessary editing is complete, however, and I should be able to begin editing the log entries with the improved version soon.
Getting Rid of Asterisks
In addition to formatting the chapter-ed logs for upload, I’ve started going back through the already uploaded logs and changing the way action and conversation is formatted. Since this was an RP played in a variety of chat rooms and instant messengers, it made sense at the time to enclose actions withing asterisks *she said* …
Minor Outage
I noticed yesterday that the News page wasn’t displaying at all. I reloaded the WordPress theme just now and that seems to have fixed it. (I was concerned that it may have gotten mixed up with a nearly forgotten test page that was recently brought to my attention with a DreamHost ‘hack’ report. No problem, …
New Theme
In the past few weeks I’ve been changing things around, looking at new themes and playing with color schemes. I finally settled on Graphene, which is highly customizable and has lots of little features that I like though I’m still at a loss as for a good color scheme. (If you’re looking at a bunch …
October 2010 Progress
I’ve updated the splash page, as there’s enough content to no longer warrant a “coming soon” page. I also learned how to make an HTML redirect page, yay me! (I figure since there’s hardly anything on the main page that it should just go ahead and redirect here. You can also click on the banner …